Assessing your Care Needs
A care needs assessment gives us an opportunity to look at a person's needs and work with them to put in place the best help and support
What is an assessment?
An assessment is carried out to see if the Council is able to support a person to live their day-to-day life. Assessments involve looking at eligibility to work out whether the person is entitled to care and support and a financial assessment to see whether that support is to be funded by the Council (in part or in full).
What happens as part of an assessment?
An assessment of care needs is an opportunity for a person to discuss their situation with a professional, to agree what their needs are, to help identify what support will promote their wellbeing and to help them to live as independently as possible. Assessment is centred on the individual, in relation to their own strengths, including the support networks around them, such as carers, family or friends; in the context of the community in which they live and the assets that offers; and in respect of services currently accessed or available to them.
The assessment is a conversation between a social care professional and an individual to look at:
- Physical health, disabilities and well-being
- Mobility
- Relationships with family and friends
- Involvement in the community
- Involvement with work, education or learning
- Safety and security
- Support needed to manage personal care and day-to-day activities
- Support currently being received from family, friends, other people or services
- Support that a person thinks they might need and what they want to be able to achieve as a result
What will I be asked in the assessment?
Within your assessment you will be asked a series of questions about your life, what you do (your day-to-day activity and who you spend time with), what you would like to do but are currently unable, how you keep well and look after yourself and whether anyone helps you with this.
This assessment will determine the types of services you may be able to access. Where you have others involved in your care you may wish for them to be present during your assessment to help represent your views. If you would like independent representation, in the form of an independent advocate, we can arrange this for you. This option is also open to carers.
A copy of the full assessment can be requested prior to your assessment appointment - please just ask.
How long will the assessment take?
The length of the detailed assessment will be dependent on your needs. We will spend extra time with you or make a return visit where needed. The assessment will usually be done within your own home or care setting or can be done over the phone as appropriate.
Who will I be assessed by?
If this is the first assessment of your needs you will speak to someone in our Initial Assessment Team. Depending on your requirements you may then be allocated a professional who will work with you to determine the best course of action to support your needs.
What happens as a result of the assessment?
Once your needs and eligibility for support have been established we work with you to develop a
Support Plan. This plan is centred on you, the network of support you may already have in place, and the community in which you live. Services and facilities provided or arranged will be proportionate to your needs. This means that they will be personalised to your individual situation in terms of circumstances like your living environment, the family and friends you have around you, and what you want to achieve as a desired outcome of the support. If someone requiring care and support appears to lack the capacity to make a decision for themselves an assessment of their decision-making ability will be made.
Will I have to pay for my care and support?
If you are eligible for services, because of your condition and its effect on your life, you may need to make a contribution towards the cost of your care or you may need to pay the total cost. A financial assessment will be conducted with you to determine your client contribution. The rules around what we charge for your social care are set by the Government as part of The Care Act.
The financial assessment may be conducted during a separate appointment from that which determines your care and support needs. You may be eligible to access your personal budget as a ‘direct payment’, allowing you to arrange and pay for your own care and support services. Your assessor will be able to discuss these options further with you, and/or an appropriate representative.
Please see the
Paying for care section of our website for more information.
What if I am not eligible for social care support?
Halton Borough Council cover a wide range of activity in the services they provide. If you do not meet the national eligibility criteria you may still be able to access some services. We will provide advice and guidance on where else you might be able to get help.
Will my care and support be reviewed?
Once your initial assessment has taken place and a care and support plan has been devised with you a review period will be determined. This could be within a three-month period or could be up to 12 months later. This will depend on your needs and the package of support agreed. Your assessor will let you know when they intend to review your situation. If, of course, anything changes for you prior to a formal review period – your needs diminish or are supported through other means, or you find you need additional support – you can contact us at any time to discuss a review.
I would like an assessment, what do I do now?
If you think you may be eligible for support from adult social care and would like you care needs to be assessed, you should contact the Council on 0151 907 8306.
If you are requesting an assessment on behalf of someone else you must have their permission if they have the mental capacity to make their own decisions about their care.
Please find below some easy read guides to assessment and care and support planning and review.