Licence Fees

Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Charges

Grant £210.00 inc DBS fee of  £38.00£248.00
Renewal £192.00 inc DBS fee of  £38.00£230.00
Replacement badge/id card£13.20
Hackney Carriage£268.00
Private Hire£248.00
Replacement Vehicle Plate - each£19.70
Replacement Bracket - each£19.70
Replacement Door Stickers - pair£26.00
Replacement Internal Plate£13.20
Temporary transfer for 2 months£97.50
Change to personalised number plates£57.60
Transfer of existing licence£31.00
Double transfers:  Hackney Carriage£299.00
Double transfers:  Private Hire​£279.50
Grant / Renewal -  1 YEAR£300.00
Grant/  Renewal  - 5 YEARS£600.00
Lowerhouse lane depot vehicle testing fees: Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Charges
Vehicle test £63.00
Vehicle re-test£25.25
Un-notified cancellation of vehicle test £24.25

Hackney Carriage and Private Hire - ++Includes Taximeter Sealing Fee

Owners of Private Hire Vehicles that are not equipped with meters may apply for the meter charge to be discounted from the annual licence fee ## Unless part of a single transaction involving a simultaneous grant in which case £30.75 

Licence fees other than Hackney Carriage and Private Hire charges 

First Grant & Renewal £418.00
Additional Vehicle (per vehicle)£208.00
'Static' First Grant£481.50
Change of vehicle£31.75
Daily fee for Temporary Extension of Existing Consent (Max 5 per year) £71.00
Daily fee for Temporary Consent (Max 5 per year) £107.50​
Hawkers etc Cheshire County Council Act £248.50
House to House Collections Nil
Street Collections Nil
Scrap Metal Dealers £208.00
Sex Shops, Sex Cinemas and Sex Entertainment Venues 1,527.50
Licensing Act 2003 See Councils website
Gambling Act 2005 See Councils website
Hypnotism Nil
Performing Animals Nil

Note - the fee charged for items marked * will be increased by the cost of any fees paid out for specialist reports required before a Licence is granted plus 15%