Runcorn Station Quarter is one of 14 areas across Halton that together form the Mersey Gateway Regeneration Plus Plan - a £1billion regeneration project being driven by Halton Borough Council. It is north-west England’s most exciting and varied regeneration opportunity.
The vision for Runcorn Station Quarter is to create an impressive gateway to Runcorn, Halton and the Liverpool City Region, that welcomes visitors, improves connections and opens up opportunities for new businesses, leisure and housing, made possible through removing the ‘trumpet loop’ approach to the Silver Jubilee Bridge, replacing it with a new roundabout that will link the station to the town centre.
New Highway Layout
Construction of a new five-arm roundabout has created better connections between the Silver Jubilee Bridge, Runcorn Town Centre and Runcorn Station. The Silver Jubilee bridge now looks impressive again after having new paintwork and significant maintenance works. It is now been reopened to cyclists and pedestrians and vehicles providing a convenient access to the Runcorn area without the congestion formerly created by through traffic.
Runcorn Trumpet Loop Demolition
The new road layout has allowed for the removal redundant roads and structures freeing up land for redevelopment as part of the new Runcorn Station Quarter. The removal has brought light and space back to the Dukesfield area. Outside Runcorn station is also much improved by the highway removal feeling much more open and connected to the local area.
The construction of a new piazza outside the station is creating a greatly improved centrepiece for the rest of the development. It will create a much better passenger experience for the station but will also be a space for the local community and will facilitate the development of the surrounding sites. There are planned to be improvements to walking and cycling links between the town and station. After, the areas of cleared land around the piazza and trumpet loop will be developed into areas which will complement the existing businesses and increase the attractiveness of the area. The detail for these plans is currently being worked on.
The Council is currently working obtain funding for improvements to the Old Town to create a thriving environment with integrated improvements connected to the Station Quarter, creating a much better and brighter area in which to live, work and visit.