Housing Strategies
Boroughwide Housing Strategy
Priority Six of the
Council’s Corporate Plan is:
Valuing and Appreciating Halton and Our Community - Supporting Halton’s residents to live in decent and affordable homes, surrounded by safe and thriving communities.
The Council’s housing responsibilities and functions are broad. Halton Borough Council has commenced work on producing a new housing strategy for the area. This is to provide an up-to-date strategic policy framework for housing to help improve and coordinate delivery by the Council and local partners. These partners include providers of social housing in Halton.
As part of developing the evidence base for this strategy, the Council has commissioned arc4 (a specialist housing research company) to undertake a survey of households to get a better understanding of local housing needs.
The findings of the survey will help shape what the Housing Strategy will say and ensure the Council remains responsive to community needs. This Survey has now closed. It is anticipated that a draft housing strategy will be published for consultation in Spring 2025.
Updates on the production of the new Housing Strategy will be provided on this page.
Halton's Tenancy Strategy
This is Halton Borough Council’s first
Tenancy Strategy . It has been developed in response to the Localism Act 2011 which places a statutory duty on local authorities to develop a strategy which sets out what type of tenancies should be offered by Registered Providers of social housing (i.e. housing associations) in the local area.
Homelessness Strategy