Halton Healthy Schools​

​​​Halton Healthy schools award is based on a whole school approach, providing a basis from which developments and improvements are embedded in a systematic way throughout the school and effectively contribute to the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of all members of the school community. Being a Healthy School is not just about children and young people, it is about the Whole School Community.

Halton Healthy schools commitment is based on a whole school approach from policies and ethos to pupils and staff wellbeing. There is an expectation that you will look at your whole school and embed a healthy culture:

  • Healthy schools needs assessment
  • Staff Wellbeing
  • Pupil sessions
  • Parent Engagement
  • Resources
  • Staff Training

A Healthy school commits to:

  • Reduce inequalities through a whole-school approach; provide comprehensive PSHE education for pupils, promote staff well-being, engage parents/carers and the local community, and signpost to relevant services.
  • Promote healthy lifestyle choices across the whole school community; role model healthy behaviours, promote a healthy culture around food choices, meal times and rewards.
  • Embed and consistently apply a mental health and resilience framework into your school culture and across the whole school community.
  • Provide opportunities for physical activity throughout the school day, and promote physical activity outside of school.
  • Reduce health inequalities by ensuring policies are inclusive and supportive of all pupils, and consult with young people and parents when developing policies and new projects around health and wellbeing.
  • Ensure that vulnerable and disadvantaged children are proactively encouraged to participate in activities to enhance health and wellbeing and health literacy.​​

Schools who are signed up to the Healthy schools award can access a multi-agency offer of support on Healthy eating, sleep, physical activity, risk taking; alcohol, tobacco and drugs, Esafety, staying safe, road safety and mental health.​

Halton Healthy Schools Award


Information for parents and carers

​​For further information or to book your Healthy schools visit contact HIT@halton.gov.uk ​

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