Halton Healthy Schools
Halton Healthy schools award is based on a whole school approach, providing a basis from which developments and improvements are embedded in a systematic way throughout the school and effectively contribute to the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of all members of the school community. Being a Healthy School is not just about children and young people, it is about the Whole School Community.
Halton Healthy schools commitment is based on a whole school approach from policies and ethos to pupils and staff wellbeing. There is an expectation that you will look at your whole school and embed a healthy culture:
- Healthy schools needs assessment
- Staff Wellbeing
- Pupil sessions
- Parent Engagement
- Resources
- Staff Training
A Healthy school commits to:
- Reduce inequalities through a whole-school approach; provide comprehensive PSHE education for pupils, promote staff well-being, engage parents/carers and the local community, and signpost to relevant services.
- Promote healthy lifestyle choices across the whole school community; role model healthy behaviours, promote a healthy culture around food choices, meal times and rewards.
- Embed and consistently apply a mental health and resilience framework into your school culture and across the whole school community.
- Provide opportunities for physical activity throughout the school day, and promote physical activity outside of school.
- Reduce health inequalities by ensuring policies are inclusive and supportive of all pupils, and consult with young people and parents when developing policies and new projects around health and wellbeing.
- Ensure that vulnerable and disadvantaged children are proactively encouraged to participate in activities to enhance health and wellbeing and health literacy.
Schools who are signed up to the Healthy schools award can access a multi-agency offer of support on Healthy eating, sleep, physical activity, risk taking; alcohol, tobacco and drugs, Esafety, staying safe, road safety and mental health.
Halton Healthy Schools Award
Information for parents and carers
For further information or to book your Healthy schools visit contact HIT@halton.gov.uk