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Planning Policies/Plans

Halton’s Development Plan consists of two documents;

  • Delivery and Allocations Local Plan (incorporating remaining policies from the Core Strategy Local Plan)
  • Joint Merseyside and Halton Waste Local Plan
Halton Delivery and Allocations Local Plan (DALP)

The Delivery and Allocations Local Plan sets out the long-term spatial vision, strategic priorities and policies for future development in the borough to 2037, including the quantity and location of new homes, employment provision, shops, facilities and other services, transport and other infrastructure provision, climate change mitigation and adaption and the conservation and enhancement of the natural and historic environment.

The Delivery and Allocations Local Plan comprises the Written Statement and accompanying Policies Map. The Written Statement incorporates the remaining policies from the Core Strategy Local Plan (2013).

The Delivery and Allocations Local Plan replaces the Halton Core Strategy Local Plan (2013) and the saved policies from the Unitary Development Plan (2005)

Joint Merseyside and Halton Waste Local Plan

The Joint Merseyside and Halton Waste Local Plan (Waste Local Plan) sets out the planning strategy for sustainable waste management to 2025.

The six councils of Halton, Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral have prepared the Joint Waste Local Plan for the sub-region. The purpose of the Joint Waste Local Plan is to enable the adequate provision of waste management facilities (including disposal) in appropriate locations for municipal, commercial and industrial, construction, demolition and excavation, and hazardous wastes.

A copy of the adopted Joint Waste Local Plan and accompanying documents are available below:
