Housing & Homeless Advice

Are you homeless or worried about losing your home?​

Halton Borough Council provide an emergency homeless service. However this is for those who are unable to assist themselves in the short term and who meet strict criteria, set by Government.  Alongside this service the Council will try, wherever possible, to help before you become homeless. 

Our areas of expertise include:

  • Domestic abuse
  • Rent or mortgage arrears
  • Alcohol / substance misuse
  • Ex-offenders
  • Ex-Armed forces
  • Young people
  • Illegal eviction or harassment
  • If your current home is not suitable, you may need help with looking for a new home.

Please contact us: housing.solutionsteam@halton.gov.uk,​ ​telephone: 0151 511 7979 (9am – 5pm Mon to Fri) or 0333 000 4300 outside these hours.

Keeping you in your home

Problems paying your rent / mortgage​

We maybe able to help manage your debt, maximise your income and negotiate with your landlord or mortgage company to stop you losing your home. Even if your payments are not affordable in the long term, the team may be able to stop you becoming homeless before you find a new home. Please contact  housing.solutionsteam@halton.gov.uk​ for advice 

Domestic abuse and anti-social behaviour

If you are a victim of anti-social behaviour and it is making you feel like you want to move, the Council may be able to help and in serious cases the Council has enforcement powers to address the issue. If you are a victim of domestic abuse we can give advice on rights to occupy your home safely or to access a refuge placement. 

Problems with your​ rented property

If you are renting a property from a landlord or housing association and they are failing to carry out repairs we may have the powers to assist. You should first try and resolve the problem yourself by reporting the problem to you landlord or housing association. If you have tried to deal with the problem yourself and it has not been resolved you can contact the environmental health department. to report your concern.

Advice on private renting can be found at:

Advice on repairs in housing association properties can be found at:

Illegal Eviction

If you are suffering from harassment or threats of illegal eviction from you private landlord you can report the concern to the councils ​ ​​environmental health department.

Damp and Mould in homes

We are receiving a lot of enquiries about damp and mould in homes. The current cold weather and high costs of energy will make it difficult for people to control some of the factors such as heating and ventilation that can contribute to condensation and mould growth. Damp can also be caused by rising and penetrating damp, defective roofing, gutters and drainage.

Shelter have produced some helpful information on controlling dampness and condensation in homes.  

If you have concerns about damp and mould in your rented property contact the environmental health department. We can offer advice and if appropriate we have powers to make your landlord carry out repairs.

Looking for a new home

If your current home is not suitable for you to continue to live in, there is help and advice available to access alternative housing. This can include help with finding a privately-rented home or applying for social / housing association housing. 

Looking for a home with a Social Landlord / Housing Association

Property Pool Plus is a dedicated service for anyone looking for affordable housing to rent in Runcorn, Widnes, Liverpool, Knowsley, Sefton and Wirral.

Affordable Warmth

Cold homes are one of the main causes of illness and death for people during the winter months. Please answer the questionnaire on affordable warmth. They will help us to know how we may help you to keep warm and healthy at home, at a cost you can afford.

Affordable warmth questions »