Infrastructure Plan
Community Infrastructure Plan (CIL) / Infrastructure Development Plan (IDP)
Halton's Planning Policy Framework is the collective name for the collection of planning policy documents produced by the Council.
Halton's planning policy documents consists of Local Plans and Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) in addition to a number of process documents, including the Statement of Community Involvement and Authority Monitoring Reports (AMRs).
The Delivery and Allocations Local Plan (Adopted 2nd March 2022) is the central planning policy document for Halton and sets out the Borough's overarching strategy for future development to 2037.
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) - Update
The Council previously considered the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). A ‘scoping’ consultation was undertaken in 2016 and further to that additional work was undertaken prior to the completion of a Viability Study on the subject.
As a result of the Technical Consultation of the CIL process undertaken by the Government in Spring 2023, the Council has taken the decision to await the outcome of this consultation prior to further pursuing alternative methods for delivering infrastructure and in the interim will continue to deliver infrastructure collected through developer contributions through Section 106 Legal Agreements.
Whole Plan Viability Study was completed in 2019.
Infrastructure Plan
The Infrastructure Plan is intended to identify the main items of additional infrastructure needed to support the level of new development envisaged within the Borough. It is intended to identify when the infrastructure will be needed, who is responsible for its provision and how it will be funded. The latest review was undertaken in June 2019. The Council are planning to update the Infrastructure Plan and supporting Infrastructure Delivery Schedule with the aim of publishing a revised 2024/5 edition once appropriate review and consultation has been completed.